Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Three Reasons Why "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" Is the Best Television Program In the History of society

1.     You get a fly on the wall view of the lifestyle of pure fame and fortune.

I’m still financially recovering from my last “major shopping spree” when I purchased my books for this semester. I find myself paying in quarters to pump my gas. When I watch the Kardashians I am transported to Calabasas California, living in a ten million dollar luxuriously furnished home, with all the latest kitchen appliances and light fixtures. I am surrounded by palm trees and the sun in always shining. I get to go to the most amazing events attended by the most powerful people on the planet. I also get to go on amazing vacations to Thailand, Greece and Cuba. And for the first time ever, I get to experience the hassle of being followed by the paparazzi.

2.     Dysfunctional, yet entertaining family dynamics

Yes, maybe they live a lifestyle I can only dream about. However, something about this family is quite relatable. They’re just as crazy as my own.

3.     Kris Jenner.

Honestly, Kris Jenner is the only reason we will ever need. Who doesn’t want to watch a sixty year old women act like a twenty year old. Watching the show, it seems like no one takes her seriously at all. She is the comic relief of the program. But I believe she’s smarter than she acts. I mean, she started an entire family dynasty worth millions of dollars after all.  

While I am aware the show certainly isn’t “the best television program in the history of society”. I personally find it hilarious and I enjoy tuning in to watch these people’s lives.


  1. While I believe your post comes mostly from a point of view of humor and self-transportation/escape, I find it most disturbing that there can be a kinship or affiliation with such blatant idiotic portrayal of social cancer. It is hard to believe that anyone could really think that this family of “poor-rich” people have anything on those that that are “RICH” people. As of July 2016, the entire family of Kardashians were worth a measly 339.4 Million dollars… Yeah that is “M” as in million. You want to view the lifestyle of pure fame and fortune? By my figures they are the farthest thing from it. If you want to understand rich, google Liliane Bettencourt.

    Your next point of “entertaining family dynamics” is almost as hard to swallow as your first. I have never been able to watch five minutes straight, let alone a full episode of these horrible people that can’t fundamentally treat each other with enough social dignity and discourse to make it through a conversation of anything less than nasty thought diarrhea. The narcissistic and opportunistic values that permeate as a pseudo-human avatar’s sole goal is to accumulate the false idols of wealth, power, and consumption… I guess I just don’t appreciate it as much as you.

    Lastly, casting a wickedly exploitive bully of a mother as the comedic relief to the “Best Television Program in the History of society” is a far from good television let alone the best television. When I think of good television I think of the witty, the funny, and the reflective. Shows like, All in the family, Saturday Night Live and Cheers seem to be those that poke at the diminutive attributes that total us in society. Unlike the rash of Kardashian shows that exemplify the very actions that make us as people hang our heads in shame. Raising children who could treat other human beings so terribly isn’t something that I would put on a pedestal, comedic or otherwise.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Drew, your blog is my (literally) spirit animal. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've sat in my room binge watching the Kardashian's on Hulu while I should be doing my homework. The show gets such a bad rep but it is honestly a masterpiece. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who watches it for primarily for Kris Jenner's antics. I have to say my favorite Kris moment is from their family trip to the Dominican Republic when she got trashed and the family caught her in the pool. Thank you for this blog, and thanks for making me realize I'm not alone! Lastly, I just wanted to thank you for creating a blog that was fun. You clearly love the Kardashians and I just want stress THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!!!! Some people take things too seriously and forget that TV is supposed to be entertainment, not necessarily real life. Great blog!
