Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The influence of the internet on our culture

Since the creation of the internet over thirty years ago, our culture has been greatly impacted. We have access to massive amounts of information at our fingertips and we can access this information faster than ever before. Instead of sitting in a library for hours on end, we are able to use search engines with access to endless websites. Whether one is doing scholarly research or just using yelp to find a new restaurant in your town, acquiring information has never been easier. This change has made us a more educated society. I believe that people are also more interested in learning new things because me have access to so much information.
            Since the creation of the internet we are able to communicate at faster speeds than ever before. Not only is communication faster and easier, it is far more cost effective than it ever has been. This makes it easier to talk with family and friends across the country. We can also communicate with people on the other side of the planet nearly instantly. According to the, we are able to talk to people who we never otherwise would have come into contact with. Instead of only socializing with people in our immediate geographical area, people are able to broaden their social circles and meet people from all over the world (Harrison  Because of easy access to communication, as a culture, we are more understanding of people from other places.
            Companies are able to globalize. Many stores that were limited to selling products in their small communities are now able to do business anywhere in the world. Consumers are also able to shop more cost effectively by being able to compare prices of similar products from the comfort of their own homes. In the past, people who made specialty items had a hard time staying in business because it was difficult to keep up the costs of running a store by selling items that were not highly sought after by the public. Now however, artists and craftsman are able to sell specialty items online through cites like Etsy. Large retail chains have benefited from online business as well because people find it more comfortable to shop from the convenience of their own electronic devices. Only ten years ago, one would have to the bank, the department store and then to the grocery store. Now, one day’s worth of errands can be completed in less than half the time and from the comfort of one’s own home.

Work Cited

            Harrison, Laura. "25 Years of the Internet: How It Has Changed the Way We Interact." Socialnomics. N.p., 24 Mar. 2016. Web. 28 Sept. 2016. <>.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Welcome everyone! (mini assignment one)

Hi everyone, thank you for visiting my blog. I believe that this blog will be useful to me because it will let me get my opinions out to the world. I find myself reading and listening to a lot of other people's opinions on the internet through different websites, articles, other blogs and youtube. I am hoping that for a change, it will be fun to put my voice out on the internet and hopefully engage with others.